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Integrations in Katalon Platform

Katalon TestOps supports numerous integrations with third-party platforms and functionalities such as project management, test execution frameworks, test scripts migration and CI/CD.

  • An asterisk(*) indicates the integration will work for most users but has not been tested for every use case.

Integrate Katalon Studio with other Katalon Platform tools

ProductsSupported Katalon Studio versions
Katalon TestCloudv8.2.5+
Katalon TestOpsv7.0.0+
Katalon TestOps Private Instancev8.3.5+
Katalon Recorderv7.8.0+

Cloud device integrations

ProductDescriptionSupported Katalon Studio versions
TestCloudExecute tests on the cloud with the most popular browsers, operating systems, and mobile devices. See: Supported environments for Katalon TestCloud.
AWS Device FarmExecute your Katalon test scripts with devices provided on AWS Device Farm by using aws-device-farm-integration.
App CenterExecute your Katalon test scripts with devices provided on App Center Test by using Sideload to package Katalon projects in JUnit format.
BrowserStackExecute your tests on BrowserStack Selenium Grid from your Katalon Studio instance.v7.0.0+
CircleCISet up a CircleCI test environment to schedule and execute tests remotely with Katalon TestOps.
Docker image
  • Run tests with Katalon Docker image (KDI), which contains up-to-date browsers, including Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and Katalon Studio. With KDI, you do not need to use the Katalon Studio and Katalon Runtime Engine apps installed on your local machine.
  • Create a Docker Test Environment with a compatible Agent in Katalon TestOps. See Docker Test Environments.
KubernetesCreate a Kubernetes (EKS) test environment to execute or schedule Test Runs in Katalon TestOps.
  • Execute automated tests on Kobiton devices.

  • Plan and run your tests on Kobiton devices with Katalon TestOps.

LambdaTestRun your tests on LambdaTest Selenium Grid from your Katalon Studio instance.v7.8.0+
Sauce LabsExecute tests with Sauce Labs profiles and view Katalon test execution results on Sauce Labs using the Sauce Labs Integration from Katalon Store.v7.0.0+
Custom integration via Desired CapabilitiesDefine Desired Capabilities in different environments for a Katalon project.v7.0.0+
pCloudy*Execute mobile and web automation tests with Katalon Studio on pCloudy mobile devices and browsers.

ALM integrations

ProductsDescriptionSupported Katalon Studio versions
Azure DevOps Test Plans v8.0.0+
GitStore and access test scripts for execution, see:v7.0.0+
Jira v7.0.0+
RallyLink Katalon Studio test cases and view test execution results in Rally using the Rally Integration plugin from the Katalon Store.v7.0.0+
SeaLightsProduce test suites that consist of suggested test cases based on analytics retrieved from SeaLights and report test results back.
  • Receive test execution results from Katalon Studio to a Slack channel in real-time.
  • Integrate Katalon TestOps with Slack to receive notifications of your test results on Slack.
TestLinkManage Katalon tests on TestLink and view test results on TestLink after execution.v7.0.0+
  • In TestRail, you can view the test results of test suites executed in Katalon Studio.
  • In Katalon Studio, you can query test cases associated with test runs of TestRail in the dynamic test suite.

qTestMap Katalon tests and upload test results to qTest.v7.0.1+
Custom ALM integrationIntegrate with other tools using plugins or custom plugins on Katalon Store.v7.0.0+
Zephyr Scale*Integrate Zephyr Scale Cloud in JIRA with Katalon Studio.

CI/CD integrations

Integrate Katalon projects into your CI/CD pipeline and set up your tests to be triggered when there is a new update in your project.

ProductsVersionsDescriptionSupported Katalon Studio versions
AWS CodeBuildIntegrate AWS CodeBuild with Katalon Docker image. See our sample on GitHub: buildspec.yml.

Azure DevOps

Run Katalon projects with Azure DevOps using Visual Studio Marketplace extension: Katalon for Azure DevOps.
BambooBamboo Server v6.0.0+Download, deploy, and execute Katalon Studio tests on the Bamboo CI server automatically using the plugin on Atlassian marketplace: Katalon Studio for Bamboo.v7.8.0+
  • Store and access test scripts for execution.

  • See our BitBucket sample pipeline on GitHub: bitbucket-pipelines.yml.

BuildKiteSee our BuildKite sample pipeline on GitHub: .buildkite/pipeline.yml.
CircleCI Execute Katalon tests with your CircleCI CI/CD pipeline using Katalon Orb: katalon/katalon-studio.v7.8.0+
CloudBees CodeShipSee our CodeShip sample pipeline on GitHub:
GitHub ActionsAutomate Katalon Studio projects execution using Katalon Studio GitHub Action on GitHub marketplace.v7.8.0+
GitLab CI/CDIntegrate your Katalon Studio project and run your GitLab CI/CD jobs in a Docker container built from the Katalon Studio Docker image. See our GitLab sample pipeline on GitHub: .gitlab-ci.yml.
Google Cloud BuildIntegrate and execute your Katalon project with Google Cloud Build.
Harness CISet up a Workflow with Harness FirstGen and execute the tests in a Kubernetes cluster farm.
JenkinsIntegrate Jenkins with Katalon Runtime Engine and execute Katalon tests with Jenkins. See our Jenkins sample pipeline on GitHub: Jenkins.v7.8.0+
TeamCityIntegrate TeamCity with Katalon Runtime Engine and execute Katalon tests with TeamCity using the Katalon Studio Runner plugin on JetBrains marketplace.v7.8.0+
Travis CISync Katalon projects with Travis CI and execute Katalon tests. See our Travis CI sample pipeline on GitHub: travis.yml.

Framework integrations

You can upload test results from other frameworks to the Katalon Platform.


Submit test results from the Mocha framework to Katalon TestOps. Sample project: Katalon TestOps JavaScript Reporters.


Submit test results from the Jest framework to Katalon TestOps. Sample project: Katalon TestOps JavaScript Reporters.


Submit test results from the Pytest framework to Katalon TestOps. Sample project: TestOps Pytest sample.

Extent ReportsA customizable HTML reporting library for Java and .NET leveraging from Katalon Studio test suite report.
Cypress*Submit test results from the Cypress framework to Katalon TestOps.
Playwright*Submit test results from the Playwright framework to Katalon TestOps.

Jira integration for Katalon Platform

The Jira integration combines test execution capabilities from Katalon and issue tracking from Jira to provide you with a seamless workflow between both platforms.

Jira integration in Katalon TestOps

To enable Katalon TestOps - Jira integration, follow this guide: Enable Katalon TestOps - Jira integration for test management.

Katalon TestOps - Jira integration allows you to:

BDD testing with Jira - Katalon Studio integration

If you want to conduct BDD testing and manage them in Jira, refer to Manage BDD test cases with Jira integration.

Next, to import BDD test cases for execution in Katalon Studio, you need to configure Jira integration in Katalon Studio. See: Enable Jira integration in Katalon Studio.

Katalon Studio provides a seamless Jira integration that allows you to:

  • Write BDD scenarios in Jira tickets.
  • Import BDD test cases from Jira to Katalon Studio.
  • Link test execution results with the corresponding Jira tickets.

You can also view the test results in Katalon TestOps. See: View BDD test results in Katalon TestOps.

BDD Testing Framework (Cucumber integration)

  • For better performance, you should clean up the Katalon workspace frequently. Navigate to File > Clean up.

Behavior-driven development (BDD) testing framework allows you to create test cases in plain English. BDD testing framework focuses on the behavior of the product and user acceptance criteria. Cucumber is a BDD framework tool to write test cases, which uses Gherkin, an ordinary language parser, that permits writing scripts in English.

The integration of the Cucumber framework in Katalon Studio allows you to include Cucumber test hooks, which work at the start and the end of a scenario in a behavior-driven development (BDD) test. To learn more about test hooks in the Cucumber framework, you can refer to this Cucumber document: Cucumber Hooks reference.

With the BDD testing framework in Katalon Studio, you can:

  • Create or add a feature file.

  • Define and link steps.

  • Set the default package for step definitions.

  • Run your feature file.

  • Add your feature file to a test case.

  • View BDD report files generated from Katalon Studio.

  • Upload and view BDD reports on Katalon TestOps.

To start working with BDD feature files and use test hooks for your BDD framework, see Working with BDD feature files in Katalon Studio.

To learn how to create BDD test cases, see Create BDD test case in Katalon Studio.

You can download the sample project here on our GitHub repository: Katalon BDD Cucumber Tests.

Migration from other tools

ToolsDescriptionSupported Katalon Studio versions
JUnitMigrate your test cases from JUnit projects to Katalon Studio.
PostmanImport RESTful test requests from Postman to Katalon Studio.v7.8.0+
SeleniumMigrate your test cases from Selenium to Katalon Studio.v7.4.0+
Selenium IDEImport a Selenium IDE version 3 project for execution with Katalon Studio.v7.5.10+
SoapUIImport SOAP requests to Katalon Studio.v7.8.0+
TestNGMigrate your test cases from TestNG to Katalon Studio.
TestProject*Migrate your test cases from TestProject to Katalon Studio.

Other integrations

ProductsDescriptionSupported Katalon Studio versions
ApplitoolsVisual-based testing for record and script modes. You can also try our Visual Testing add-on in Katalon Platform, see: Visual Testing overview.v6.1.2+
SAP Scripting TrackerCombine Katalon Studio with SAP Scripting Tracker for Windows.v7.0.0+
Selenium GridExecute your scripts on remote machines by using Selenium Grid.
Axe API*Evaluate if your website follows the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).
Canvas automation*Automate actions on HTML canvas elements, which is not accessible via DOM (by Xpath, CSS, or Property).
Microsoft Dynamics 365*Automate test cases on Microsoft Dynamics 365 with Katalon Studio.
OctoPerf*Conduct performance testing with OctoPerf and track results with Katalon TestOps.
Oracle Cloud*Automate test cases on Oracle Web platform with Katalon Studio.
OTP use cases*Automate extracting OTP (one-time password) from different platforms with Katalon Studio.
PowerBI* Automate Power BI applications with Katalon Studio.
QR code scanning*Automate QR code scanning on mobile devices with Katalon Studio.
Salesforce*Automate Salesforce applications with Katalon Studio.
Upload file for web application*Automate uploading file to web applications with Katalon Studio.
SikuliX*Automate actions on desktops computer with SikuliX library on Katalon Studio.
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