Hybrid mobile apps testing in Katalon Studio
Katalon Studio offers limited support to hybrid mobile apps. Supported environments
For Android: Katalon Studio allows you to capture elements only using Mobile Recorder or Mobile Spy utility only in Android mobile apps that are developed by hybrid app frameworks (ex. Flutter, React Native).
For iOS: Katalon Studio does not provide support for iOS hybrid mobile apps.
If elements of a hybrid app are rendered in a native app, the Mobile Recorder/Spy utility can capture elements. You can learn how to capture elements in the Mobile Recorder/Spy utility in the following documents:
If the elements are rendered in WebView, refer to the following workarounds for capturing these elements:
- [Native render only] Capture elements in hybrid Android apps
- [Native render only] [Webview render] Capture elements in hybrid Android apps in Katalon Studio
If the elements are rendered in a Flutter-based application, refer to the following workaround:
Refer to the following topic for supporting environments: Supported environments for Katalon Studio and Katalon Runtime Engine (KRE).