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[Windows] Verify Element Not Present


Wait until the given element to not present (disappear) within the given time in the second unit.

Keyword name: verifyForElementNotPresent


Parameter Parameter TypeRequiredDescription
windowsObjectWindowsTestObjectYesAn object that describes locator and locator strategy of the target element that needs to wait for.
timeoutIntegerYesSystem will wait at most timeout (seconds) to return the result.
  • If timeout = 0, Katalon Studio will use the default page load timeout.
  • If timeout < 0, throws IllegalArgumentException.


Parameter TypeDescription
Booleantrue if the element does not present; Otherwise, false.


"Verify to expect the edit panel presents with verifyElementNotPresent keyword"
def isNotPresent = Windows.verifyElementNotPresent(findWindowsObject('Object Repository/Edit') 10)
assert !isNotPresent
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