[Windows] Click Element Offset
Performs a click action at the given offset of the Windows Element (relative to its top-left corner) that is found by using locator value of the given windowsObject.
Keyword name:
In Windows Recorder, enable coordinate-based recording in the window. click and rightClick actions are recorded as
actions respectively.In Windows Recorder, the Click Element Offset button is supported in Possible Actions.
Parameter | Parameter Type | Required | Description |
windowsObject | WindowsTestObject | Yes | An object describing the locator and locator strategy to find a Windows element. |
offsetX | Integer | Yes | The horizontal offset relative to the top-left corner of the element. |
offsetY | Integer | Yes | The vertical offset relative to the top-left corner of the element. |
flowControl | FailureHandling | Optional | Specify failure handling schema to determine whether the execution should be allowed to continue or stop. |
Windows.startApplicationWithTitle('katalon.exe', 'Katalon Studio')
'Wait for Katalon help tab to be present'
Windows.waitForElementPresent(findWindowsObject('TabItem'), 10)
'Click on X button using Click Element Offset, the coordinate is retrieved by cropping the tab and use https://www.mobilefish.com/services/record_mouse_coordinates/record_mouse_coordinates.php to extract the coordinates.'
Windows.clickElementOffset(findWindowsObject('TabItem'), 107, 13)
'Katalon Help tab is closed successfully as a result of clicking on X button'
Windows.verifyElementNotPresent(findWindowsObject('Object Repository/TabItem'), 5)
'Click on OK to really close Katalon Studio'
Windows.click(findWindowsObject('Close Katalon Button'))