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[Windows] Start Application with Title


Start Windows driver and starts the Windows application at the given absolute path. After the application starts, if WinAppDriver cannot detect the main application window correctly, Katalon Studio will use the given window title parameter to find the opened application to continue working.

Keyword name: startApplicationWithTitle


Parameter Parameter TypeRequiredDescription
appFileStringYesAbsolute path to the Windows application.
windowTitleStringYesTitle of the opening application windows. Full text, partial text, or regular expression input is acceptable.
matchingStrategyStringMatchingStrategy (enum)OptionalSpecifies the strategy to match the windowTitle parameter against the actual window title. Allowed values are:
  • CONTAINS: (default value) The windowTitle parameter should be a substring of the actual window title.

  • REGEXP: The windowTitle parameter should be a valid regular expression pattern that matches the actual window title.

  • EXACT: The windowTitle parameter should exactly match the actual window title.

flowControlFailureHandlingOptionalSpecify failure handling schema to determine whether the execution should be allowed to continue or stop.


Parameter TypeDescription
StepFailedExceptionThrows an error if Katalon Studio could not start Windows Driver, could not start the application, the application file doesn't exist or there is no application matches the object.


Windows.startApplicationWithTitle('C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Office\\root\\Office16\\EXCEL.exe', 'Excel')
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