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Using List to Store the Mobile Elements to Validate Data in Katalon Studio


We want to select a Radio button from a List. In order to do so, we need to capture all the button elements in a collection and pick the desired Radio button.

Manual Mode

  • Step 1: Select Start Application from Mobile keyword and click on Input it will open a window. In appFile, select Value Type as Variable. In Value, pass the variable name as path.

Select an element from a list in mobile automation

  • Step 2: Add Wait For Element Present item.
  • Step 3: Call Scroll To Text from mobile keyword, pass the input as Views. Scroll To Text accepts String type parameter (Text of the element to scroll to).

Select an element from a list in mobile automation

  • Step 4: Call Tap method and pass the object of Views.
  • Step 5: Call Scroll To Text from mobile keyword, pass the input as Radio Group.
  • Step 6: Tap on Radio Group.
  • Step 7: After tapping on 'Radio Group', we want to wait for heading 'Views/Radio Group' to be visible on the screen.
  • Step 8: Add a binary statement to initialize Appium Driver with Katalon Mobile Driver.
  • Step 9: Add another binary statement to get all radio elements and store in a List. In Left Expression, select 'Variable' as Value Type and pass 'elements' in Value. In Right expression, select 'Method Call' as Value Type and pass the list of radio buttons object information.

Select an element from a list in mobile automation

  • Step 10: Add a for-each loop statement.

Select an element from a list in mobile automation

– Step 10.1: Add a binary statement to capture the text of each element in the list and store it in the "actual_Text" variable.

– Step 10.2: Add 'if' statement and verify whether the actual text matches the expected text. When the actual text matches the expected text, perform click action on Radio button.

– Step 10.3: After performing click event, we need to terminate for each loop. Add a method call statement 'break' to achieve this.

Select an element from a list in mobile automation

The step-by-step guide can also be achieved through Script Mode. We suggest using the Script feature in Katalon to automate the process faster.

Script Mode

import static com.kms.katalon.core.testobject.ObjectRepository.findTestObject

import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement as WebElement

import com.kms.katalon.core.configuration.RunConfiguration as RunConfiguration

import as Mobile

import as MobileDriverFactory

import com.kms.katalon.core.model.FailureHandling as FailureHandling

import io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver as AppiumDriver

'Path of the Apk File Store in path variable'

def path = RunConfiguration.getProjectDir() + '/Data Files/ApiDemos.apk'

'Start the application'

Mobile.startApplication(path, false)

'Wait for element Present of Heading API Demos'

Mobile.waitForElementPresent(findTestObject('API Demos Objects/List_Example/heading_API_Demos'), 45)

'Scroll to Views text'

Mobile.scrollToText('Views', FailureHandling.STOP_ON_FAILURE)

'Tap on Views'

Mobile.tap(findTestObject('API Demos Objects/List_Example/text_Views'), 20)

'Scroll to Radio Group text'

Mobile.scrollToText('Radio Group', FailureHandling.STOP_ON_FAILURE)

'Tap on Radio Group'

Mobile.tap(findTestObject('API Demos Objects/List_Example/text_Radio Group'), 30)

'Wait for Element Present of Header Radio Group'

Mobile.waitForElementPresent(findTestObject('API Demos Objects/List_Example/text_Header Radio Group'), 30)

'Initializing Appium Driver by Katalon Mobile Driver'

AppiumDriver<?> driver = MobileDriverFactory.getDriver()

'Getting all similar elements and storing in to List'

List<WebElement> elements = driver.findElementsByClassName('android.widget.RadioButton')

'Printing the Size of list elements'

println('The size of elements is ::' + elements.size())

'Here Using For each loop for iterations'

for (WebElement radio : elements) {

'Get the text of each element in the list and store in to the "actual_Text" variable.'

String actual_Text = radio.getText()

'Here verifying the actual text with expected text of "Dinner" on every iteration'



'Click on expected Element "Dinner" ';

'Break the loop'




The source code is available at katalon-studio/katalon-mobile-automation.

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